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Praise and Worship Guitarist Store

The store contains praise and worship chord charts and guitar tableture.  These products were notated by Aaron Vasquez who obtained his Master's Degree of Music, with emphasis in Guitar Performance, from the University of Oklahoma.  The chord charts are very thorough and walk you through the entire song from start to finish.  They do not contain any confusing musical road maps and they are designed in such a way that any musician can read and follow. These charts will maximize efficiency in your rehearsals resulting in a more prepared worship team.  The product of this will be a worship service free from all musical distractions allowing the praise team and the congregation to focus on the resurrected Jesus Christ.  The product is in PDF format.  Happy shopping!

  1. Bethel Music: Raise a Hallelujah (Chord Chart)-FREE!!!!

  2. Brian & Katie Torwalt: Holy Spirit (Chord Chart)

  3. Cody Carnes: All He Says I Am (Chord Chart)

  4. Crowder: I Am (Chord Chart)

  5. David Crowder Band: Here Is Our King (Chord Chart)

  6. David Crowder Band: Let Me Feel You Shine (Chord Chart)

  7. Elevation Worship: Do It Again (Chord Chart)

  8. Fee: All Because of Jesus (Chord Chart)

  9. Hillsong United: A Million Suns (Chord Chart)

  10. Hillsong United: Break Free (Chord Chart)

  11. Hillsong United: Desert Song (Chord Chart)

  12. Hillsong United: From God Above (Chord Chart)

  13. Hillsong United: From the Inside Out (Chord Chart)

  14. Hillsong United: Go (Chord Chart)

  15. Hillsong United: Grace to Grace (Chord Chart)

  16. Hillsong United: Hosanna (Chord Chart)

  17. Hillsong United: In the Mystery (Chord Chart)

  18. Hillsong United: I Surrender (Chord Chart)

  19. Hillsong United: Mighty to Save (Chord Chart)

  20. Hillsong United: My Future Decided (Chord Chart)

  21. Hillsong United: Nova (Guitar Tab)

  22. Hillsong United: Oceans (Chord Chart)

  23. Hillsong United: Oceans (Guitar Tab)

  24. Hillsong United: Rhythms of Grace (Chord Chart)

  25. Hillsong United: Rise (Chord Chart)

  26. Hillsong United: Rule (Chord Chart)

  27. Hillsong United: Touch the Sky (Chord Chart)

  28. Hillsong United: What A Beautiful Name (Chord Chart)

  29. Hillsong Young & Free: Close (Chord Chart)

  30. Hillsong Young & Free: Love Goes On (Chord Chart)

  31. Hillsong Young & Free: This Is Living (Chord Chart)

  32. Hillsong Young & Free: Wake (Chord Chart)

  33. Hillsong Young & Free: Where You Are (Chord Chart)

  34. Hollyn: Alone (Chord Chart)

  35. Tim Hughes: Happy Day (Chord Chart)

  36. Jesus Culture: Alive In You (Chord Chart)

  37. Jesus Culture: Break Every Chain (Chord Chart)

  38. Jesus Culture: Fierce (Chord Chart)

  39. Jesus Culture: How He Loves (Chord Chart)

  40. Jesus Culture: In The River (Chord Chart)

  41. Jesus Culture: Never Gonna Stop Singing (Chord Chart)

  42. John Mark McMillan & Sarah McMillan: King of My Heart (Chord Chart)

  43. Kristian Stanfill: Jesus Paid It All (Chord Chart)

  44. Leeland: Beautiful Lord (Chord Chart)

  45. Leeland: Carried to the Table (Chord Chart)

  46. Lincoln Brewster: Salvation Is Here (Guitar Tablature)

  47. Paul Baloche: All Because of the Cross (Chord Chart)

  48. The City Harmonic: Manifesto (Chord Chart)

  49. The Museum: Allelujah (Chord Chart)

  50. Planetshakers: Endless Praise (Chord Chart)

  51. Planetshakers: Limitless (Chord Chart)

  52. Ross Parsley: I Am Free (Chord Chart)

  53. Worship Central: Let It Be Known (Chord Chart)